Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplant

Do you want to get rid of a problem that causes a lot of inconvenience in psychological terms? Qualified specialists are waiting for you at the Lila Hair Clinic! They have every opportunity to get good results in the fight against baldness.

We know that people have many questions related to hair transplantation. Therefore, we want to highlight the main points.

What is meant by hair transplant?

This is a microsurgical operation during which hair follicles are inserted into the skin. Hair transplantation is performed on the head, in the area of the mustache, beard, eyebrows.

One of the most effective is DHI (Direct Hair Implant) hair transplant technology. This is a “direct” hair transplantation method. With the help of a device similar to a pen – Choi. This method allows to reduce injuries, increase the density of transplanted hair.

There are many advantages. These include the high efficiency of the procedure, the rapid survival of hair follicles, more than 90 percent of the survival of follicles, and the absence of scars.

First of all, you need to consult with your doctor. Before the operation and 2-3 days after, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, smoke and take drugs that are not agreed with the attending physician.

After filling out the application, an Online consultation will be held, at which the problem area, the degree of baldness will be determined. A date for the procedure has been set.

Upon arrival at the clinic, the necessary studies (tests and examinations) are performed, and then the operation is performed. The process of preparation and hair transplant usually takes three days.

No. There is no discomfort during hair transplantation. Microsurgical operation is performed under anesthesia.

Hair transplantation is possible after reaching the age of majority. There are cases when the procedure is carried out earlier. This requires expert advice.

The survival rate of hair follicles is more than 90%. This is an excellent indicator.

Yes. We work with anyone who needs help.

Certainly. This is the key principle of our work.

A microsurgical operation to eliminate foci of baldness lasts several hours. There may be breaks for a short rest. In some cases, it is possible to divide the procedure into two days or into several stages.

In this regard, everything is individual. You will notice changes in a few weeks. The maximum result is visible after about a year.

Certainly. Hair transplantation is performed with high precision, DHI technology allows you to transplant hair follicles with a high density, which allows you to achieve maximum naturalness.

Yes. There is a recovery period after hair transplantation. The patient receives all the necessary preparations for hair care during the rehabilitation period, as well as specialist advice.

Prices can be found in the section “Cost”. Everything is included in the package, from meeting at the airport to post-operative care.

Perhaps one of the most popular questions. Yes, in the current situation, Turkey continues to be a safe country for classical and medical tourism. The country’s government is taking all necessary measures to protect tourists and minimize discomfort.

In our clinic, we take all necessary measures to ensure the comfort and safety of our guests.

Contact the specialists of “Lila Hair Clinic” and ask your questions! The staff of the clinic will give answers to them and help solve the annoying problem.

We have been working in this area for ten years. This is proof of great experience and professionalism!

Modern hair transplant methods – the best solutions

We know how important hair transplantation is for clients.

Therefore, modern methods are used to achieve the best results. Lila Hair Clinic specialists provide assistance to those who are faced with the problem of hair loss. First, a study is conducted and an individual treatment plan is developed. Then all the necessary actions are performed and postoperative care is performed.

FUE Hair Transplant: Features and Benefits

Hair loss for many people is a real challenge. Women and men suffer from complexes and become insecure. Reliable solutions are needed to address these issues. These include the FUE hair transplant method. It is a technology that has won the trust of surgeons around the world. Its main features are that during hair transplantation there is no linear scar and no suture is applied.

FUE is a unique technique widely used in the field of aesthetic medicine. Its benefits include:

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a hair follicle extraction method. It is important to note that due to its effectiveness, the data extraction method is used in DHI grafting.

DHI (Direct Hair Implant) is a highly effective and modern method of hair implantation.

There is a lot of confusion between these two terms. Of course, there are clinics that use the basis of the FUE method for subsequent implantation, but the effectiveness of this type of transplant reaches only 50-60%, while DHI is 90% or more.

DHI hair transplant - a revolutionary technology

This is a new technique, characterized by painlessness and high accuracy. DHI is a method of “direct” hair transplantation. With its use, the likelihood of hair loss is minimized. The procedure is performed by qualified specialists. Good results require knowledge and experience. Doctors of “Lila Hair Clinic” constantly improve their skills and have high skills. They are responsible for their work and follow the technology exactly.

DHI is a progressive technique, which is characterized by such advantages:

DHI is a modern technology that successfully fights hair loss. The problem is eliminated in a short time and without discomfort. Everything is done to ensure that the effect is as natural as possible. For this we have all the possibilities: experienced doctors, professional devices, practical skills.

“Lila Hair Clinic” – results exceed expectations

Contact us and trust qualified specialists! We use efficient technologies and give guarantees.

Our patients get rid of aesthetic defects and become self-confident. You can also solve an unpleasant problem and increase self-esteem. To do this, the specialists of “Lila Hair Clinic” make every effort!

Eyebrow transplant operations in Turkey

Eyebrows are a natural decoration that gives expression to the face. This is the calling card of every girl and woman.

Unfortunately, nature has not endowed everyone with beautiful thick eyebrows. What to do in this case? You need to contact the clinic “Lila Hair Clinic” and solve the painful problem. We perform microsurgical operations for eyebrow transplantation at the proper level. In the course of work, the shape of the arches is corrected and the appearance of the eyebrows improves. The results are in line with the wishes of the clients. A lot of effort is put into this.

What technology is used for eyebrow transplantation?

Eyebrow threads are not in fashion today. Now naturalness is highly valued. We are often approached by clients who have inexpressive, sparse, thin or asymmetrical eyebrows. They want to eliminate the aesthetic defect and gain confidence in their attractiveness. We understand how important this is. Therefore, advanced technology is used to deal with such a problem. This is a DHI hair transplantation method that is widely used.

What are its features? Eyebrow transplantation using DHI technology is a highly demanded service, which is characterized by the following advantages:

Eyebrow transplantation by DHI method is a revolutionary technology. This is a difficult job, with which our experts are doing an excellent job. To obtain a good result, all important points are taken into account. By them is meant the direction of hair growth and the natural line of eyebrow growth. Experts know that a microsurgical operation must be carried out with maximum precision. Therefore, close attention is paid to all stages of the procedure.

Eyebrow transplant at Lila Hair Clinic – you can trust us!

Eyebrow transplantation is the best solution for changing your appearance for the better and getting rid of self-doubt. This is a gentle transfer of hair follicles from the donor area to the desired area. With the help of this procedure, the eyebrows acquire a natural density and the desired shape. The operation is carried out after examination and familiarization with the situation. Postoperative care is easy. For this, all the necessary preparations and recommendations are provided. The effect becomes noticeable after a few months.

Contact us and take advantage of the eyebrow transplant service! This is a unique procedure aimed at restoring the natural boundaries of the eyebrows. It is relevant for everyone who is dissatisfied with the shape and density of hair in this area. The operation is carried out in accordance with the standards and regulations. Experts competently perform their work, guided by experience and skills. They know that eyebrows should be properly shaped and give beautiful features to the face!